単語 レベル3(中)


悪循環=Vicious Cycle

英語で悪循環はvicious cycleまたはvicious circleと言います。viciousは「悪意のある」「悪い」を意味する形容詞なので、それに循環や円を表すcycleやcircleがついているため覚えやすいですね。




A "vicious cycle" is when a bad situation gets worse because each problem makes the others worse, creating a never-ending loop of negativity. It's like a chain reaction of bad things that just keeps going and getting worse.


vicious cycleを使った例文

  1. A lack of sleep leads to increased stress, and stress, in turn, makes it harder to sleep—a vicious cycle.
  2. When you skip meals, your energy levels drop, and then you're more likely to reach for unhealthy snacks, creating a vicious cycle of poor nutrition.
  3. In a heated argument, misunderstandings can lead to more anger and frustration, perpetuating a vicious cycle of conflict.
  4. Financial debt often leads to more borrowing and interest payments, resulting in a vicious cycle of worsening financial problems.
  5. Procrastination can lead to last-minute stress, making it more likely that you'll procrastinate in the future—a classic example of a vicious cycle.


-単語, レベル3(中)