ネタ帳 レベル3(中)

Book Smart vs Street Smart

あなたはどちら派? Book Smart or Street Smart?

Book SmartもStreet Smartも、どちらも賢い人を意味します。しかし、Book Smartは公的教育でのエリートで知識は本から得ています。対照的にStreet Smartは生え抜きの成功者で実生活での経験を糧に社会的成功をした人です。

それぞれBook Wise, Street Wiseとも言います。


"Book smart" and "street smart" are expressions in English that refer to different types of knowledge and intelligence. Here is an explanation of the differences between the two:

  1. Book Smart: "Book smart" focuses on academic knowledge and theoretical insights acquired through books and textbooks. This expression pertains to knowledge related to formal education and academic research. Individuals who are "book smart" emphasize the knowledge they have gained through school or university education, with an emphasis on theoretical problem-solving. For example:
    • She's very book smart and excels in mathematics and science.
  2. Street Smart: "Street smart" centers on practical knowledge and real-world insights. This expression relates to knowledge, experience, and social skills relevant to everyday life and practical situations. "Street smart" individuals are adept at adapting to real-world challenges and possess the wisdom to succeed in practical situations and social contexts. For example:
    • He may not have a college degree, but he's incredibly street smart and can navigate complex social situations.

In essence, "book smart" emphasizes theoretical knowledge and academic background, while "street smart" focuses on practical knowledge, real-world experience, and social wisdom. Both expressions represent different types of knowledge and intelligence.


-ネタ帳, レベル3(中)