今回は筆者が先日紹介した英語学習アプリ”Hello Talk”で仲良くなった Thea(ティア)さんに協力をしてもらいました。
S 筆者 T ティアさん
S Hey what’s up!
T Hiii how are you?
S good good, how are you doing? Thanks for taking your time
T No worries!
S Okay, I will be asking you a couple of questions, let’s start with an easy one. Where are you from and how old are you?
T I’m from the US(state of Delaware) and I’m 22
S How long have you been learning Japanese?
T I’ve been learning Japanese for almost 4 years.
S What made you want to learn Japanese?
T I decided to learn Japanese because I think it sounds beautiful and I wanted to learn how to write kanji
S That’s great, alright next one is, have you had a moment that you wanted to quit learning Japanese?
T Absolutely, Sometimes I think I’ll never learn any more.
S Yeah I feel you, How do you manage to get back on trail from that thought?
T I just forget about it until the next day and do it all over again
S Cool, okay this is the last question, Any tips for English learners?
T Practice your pronunciation A LOT! the English language is very tricky as in the same letters will make different sounds in different words(発音の練習をたくさんしたほうがいいよ! 英語は同じ文字でも単語によっては発音が違うからね!)
S Alright, that’s it, thank you so much!
T Anytime!
by Samurai
オンライン英会話 Eigo Chat Lab!